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Unfinished and Concrete Poetry: Flowing Meanings
A word in German sounds like another in Georgian but their meaning diverges. Artist Elza Javakhishvili walks through the path of significance.
„Unfinished Poetry“ Leporello, 2016Foto: Veronika Albrandt
Elza Javakhishvili’s piece of work is a commitment to understanding how meaning flows from language to its material representation. Highly influenced by Mallarmé, Apollinaire, and other literally and artistic work, Javakhishvili explores with concrete poetry the tension between the text as a literary piece and the text as a visual manifestation. It recreates grammatical structures through a transition from the grammatical rules to a graphic microcosm. Words create meaning, in this case, by their appearance on the paper as a form of graphic art: it creates meaning from dwelling in a two dimensional atmosphere.
This is, then, not only poetry as a language experiment, but also as a painting intention, as object.
„Tagebuch # 01“
Concrete poetry goes tightly along with Unvollende Poesie, Unfinished Poetry, a commitment to explore the barriers of mother and foreign language. This stake is pursued by intricate juxtaposition of meanings based on, simultaneously, a fluid juxtaposition of languages.
It is, then, a bet on understanding how meaning flows from one to the other. A word in German sounds like another in Georgian but their meaning diverges. They give two different directions to walk through the path of significance. Nevertheless, this piece is a exploration of a dialog the two meanings (DAME in German is „Lady“ and in Georgian is „and I“) and the two frame of reference (German and Georgian).
Originally Published (and full) ⇒Taz⇐